Thursday, February 13, 2014

20% project week2-Joseph Zayas-period 3

As of this week, I have been trying to perfect how to make the Le Cordon Bleu so I can teach my little brother exactly how the dish is supposed to be prepared. As of right now, what I keep messing up is the bottom of the dish keeps getting a little to crispy. So far, I have tried using a couple of different methods to keep them from getting too crunchy on the bottom. A few of these methods include putting aluminum foil on the pan, spraying the pan with non stick spray, and finally tried oiling the pan down with melted butter. I tried making it yesterday. I used three different pans and tried each method that I described above. The one with the aluminum foil still had a little burn on them. The one with the cooking spray burned a little bit also. The one that i melted the butter on actually did not burn ay all, they were just a little crispy. I think the next time I make them I will use the butter method for the next time I make it.

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