Friday, April 25, 2014

20% project week9-Joseph Zayas-period 3

This week, for my twenty percent project, I taught my little brother how to bake a cake. As my older brothers birthday just passed, and my little sisters birthday is really close (its next Thursday!), I thought it would be a good idea for him to learn how to do one himself. The first thing we had to do was to go get the cake mix. I want him to be able to know how to properly bake it before I teach him how to make one from scratch. After we got home, he immediately set the oven to 350*F, so it could preheat. Then, he read the directions on the back of the box, and I clarified any questions he had. His big question was what rack to put it on in the oven. I told him, unless it says otherwise, you are supposed to put the baking dish on the center rack. He then mixed all the batter, milk and the egg together. Next, he sprayed nonstick cooking spray on the pan, and then put the batter in. After it settled in the pan, he put it in the oven for 20 minutes. We checked it at 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 18 minutes, and 20 minutes. It finished at the exact time it should have. After, we let it cool for an hour, then pulled it out and frosted it. It was pretty good.

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