Tuesday, December 17, 2013

20% project week9-Joseph Zayas-period 3

This week, I wanted to try to teach my little brother something I learned only fairly recently. In my culinary class, our teacher tought us how to make  pizza from scratch. We did it twice in culiary, and both times I was very pleased with the end results. So I decided if I could learn it so fast, my little brother should to, as he's like a little shadow of me cx.
For the first step, we mixed together our flour, salt, yeast, and water together for 20 minutes. Then we had to wrap it up and put it away overnight, so it could sit. The next night, we rolled our mixture out and rolled it into about a 1/4 inch for our crust. Then we put it on a greased baking pan, and folded the edges up to make a crust. Next, we put marinara sauce, cheese, pepperoni, and more chees on it for toppings. Finallu, we put it in our preheated oven of 500 degrees for about 10-15 minutes, depending on how crispy you want the crust. I woukd say his came out pretty good for his first time.

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